Audio, Constant related, Programs / curated, Publications, Sites

Schaarbeekse Taal


Neighbourhood project and audio data-base, Schaarbeek, BE, 2009 – 2012

Go to project website of la Langue Schaerbeekoise

The project ‘Language of Schaerbeek’ collects words that are used by different groups of people living around the ‘Cage of the bears’ as Place Verboeckhoven is commonly known. Arab, Turkish, Dutch, Brussels, Swahili, Spanish, Polish are just a few of the languages that accompany the main language French. The dictionary is an open for change, flexible and organically growing collection of recordings of spoken words.

The project is organised by Constant in the framework of the neighborhood contract Navez-Portaels. Supported by the Brussels region and the commune of Schaerbeek.